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About The Trip

Summer 2016


Our third day on GIVE WEST was a blast! First stop: Grand Canyon! The ride was long, but we kept the fun rolling with snacks, movies, learning, and GIVE WEST cheering. When we arrived at the Grand Canyon, we were greeted by five amazing guides who took us on a hike around the Southern Rim of the canyon. We learned all about the site as we explored: length, depth, rock formation, wildlife, and more. How crazy to be staring in person at one of the Seven Wonders of the World?! The views were like a postcard and we captured lots of breathtaking photos. Before leaving, we gathered together one last time around the stunning canyon and recited the bracha “oseh maaseh bereishit”, recognizing the G-dliness in the nature around us. On our way back to the hotel, we all enjoyed bonding with one another, singing, and dancing. The GIVE WEST “travelling beit midrash” was introduced on the bus, which provides us with an opportunity to constantly learn Torah on the go! We closed off the night with mincha, dinner, and competitive and exciting night activity of Panapoly, led by programming coordinator Shayna Rabin, with help from our amazing advisors. After night activity, there was an optional shiur given by Rabbi David Katz (Director of MMY Seminary in Israel), which many of the NCSYers took advantage of. Thank you Rabbi Katz for coming to spend time with us on GIVE WEST. What a day! We can’t wait to see what tomorrow brings on GIVE WEST 2016.


We are zonked and still all smiles after an AMAZING second day on GIVE WEST! After davening, singing a special Hallel, and eating a yummy breakfast, we headed out for our first West Coast adventure. We started off our day with our very first chessed on GIVE WEST- volunteering at the Children’s Museum of Phoenix. All the GIVE WESTERs were enthusiastic whether they were sorting books, cleaning blocks, or color dying rice! Then, we split up into our “chabura” groups to have our first learning session with advisors, followed by a delicious pizza lunch. The girls enjoyed stopping at Starbucks on our way to the St. Mary’s Food Bank Alliance where they worked hard packaging 1,080 boxes of food for those who are food insecure, and for the elderly. Everyone would agree that it was extremely rewarding to see how many boxes we completed in just 2 hours! The GIVE WESTERs enjoyed competing in a Walmart Challenge of who can send in the most creative red, white, and blue picture, while they shopped for whatever they needed! Back on the bus, the staff introduced a GIVE WEST tradition of learning a section of a sefer all together every day. This year we will be learning Positive Word Power, promoting sensitivity with words, and awareness of the impact our words can have on other people. GIVE WEST then enjoyed watching the Arizona Diamondbacks play the San Diego Padres in Chase Stadium, where three of the GIVE WESTERS caught the free t-shirts! Woohoo! We ended our day with an incredible night swim that was filled with games, snacks, and lots of bonding! Can’t wait for what Day 3 will bring!


Welcome to NCSY GIVE WEST 2016!
Can you believe it?! It’s here! All of the NCSY GIVE West planes landed safely today into Phoenix International Airport and the summer is finally underway. Once all of the NCSYers were shuttled to the GreenTree Inn & Suites in Phoenix, we were greeted with a delicious lunch and Human Bingo Ice-Breaker! Learning about each other was fun and easy in this interactive game. We then had GIVE WEST Orientation followed by free time in the afternoon getting to know each other, swimming in the pool, chilling around the hotel, and unpacking our things. We joined back together for a yummy dinner! Following dinner, we played an amazing game of NCSY GIVE WEST Speed Dating to get to know one another even better, and then wrote letters to our future selves! We ended the night early giving everyone time to unpack and rest up for our exciting day tomorrow filled with chessed and fun. A big thank you to Daniella and Isaac Kleinman for the yummy food today and to all of our amazing NCSY GIVE WEST advisors and staff for their passion and help. We cannot wait for day #2!

For a taste of the fun today, here is the grammin that the GIVE WEST staff performed at tonight’s night activity!

Welcome NCSYers to GIVE WEST 16,
This is sure to be the best summer NCSY has ever seen,
Across the west coast we will travel and give,
To everyone in need so in happiness they can live!

In Phoenix, Arizona we start our road trip,
Heading to the Grand Canyon we will be careful not to slip,
Water parks, hikes, and a Shabbos as one,
With this heat on Sunday to LA we will run!

Los Angeles, California, will be our second stop on the tour,
Seeing the Hollywood stars will not be a bore,
In LA we will give to Jews and non-Jews alike,
And for the first time ever we will attempt the Hollywood Sign Hike!

For one day we will travel to a special place to me,
San Diego is its name, my home town is this city,
I will show you the sights, beaches, and my home,
On San Diego ground I can’t wait to roam!

Back in LA tons of Chesed we will do,
Learning in Chabburah will help us get through,
Bonding through giving will make us unite,
We will be brighter than the Hollywood stars who shine so bright!

Off to Sacramento our bus will move on,
For Shabbos and a fast day which will quickly be gone,
Then to San Francisco to ride the red ferry,
And walk the Golden Gate Bridge and taste every Jelly Belly!

In Portland we will end with white water rafting and more,
Berry picking and hiking we will surely soar,
Ending with a banquet that is so so sweet,
But let’s not jump ahead it’s only the first week!

Get ready GIVE WEST the summer has finally arrived,
With everything planned, no detailed compromised,
We will give back to America no matter the weather,
And together we will have the BEST SUMMER EVER!!!

NCSY GIVE WEST 2016: Pump-Up Video